Friday, August 29, 2014

Life is not fair

Life is not fair. It never is, and never will be. It's just the way it is.
No matter how hard you try, even if you didn't try, you will always fall no matter how high you have reached or how far you've come or have become. It is all in a loop, in a circle that never ends.
When everything seems fine, something will come up; expect something will happen. The one that gives you joy will be your downfall, whatever it is that makes you happy.
You will be devastated, shattered and broken. You will eventually fall from grace.
Still tormented for the being that you are, you will still find courage in the midst of it all. This little courage is not strong enough to push through. But only so just to get by, just to survive, just to say that you're still alive but deep inside you are dying.
You are wondering when or where this nightmare will end. It doesn't end.
You begin to channel your attention to your non existent fantasy world where you are the hero who saves the damsel in distress. This fantasy world where life is fair; where life doesn't challenge you to your very extent & limitations; where life won't treat you so bad. Where suffering is only meant for the wicked, and joy is bestowed upon you on an ordinary day. where you can be happy for just a while.

(sigh) .......................thinking endlessly..........
deep breaths......

You feel sorry for yourself now... And you tell yourself that success is not measured by what you achieve but by how happy and contented you are with the life you chose to live. You begin to believe it doesn't exist. Back to the reality, the truth that always haunts you

Life is not fair. It never is, and never will be. It's just the way it is..

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