Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Health Benefits of Jumping on Trampolines

Trampolines are not only fun, they are amazingly beneficial to health. Most recent Australian researchers discovered that through continuous use of trampoline, it yields many subjective health benefits. As one of the few who recognizes these benefits, I have researched and enumerated what i found out here. We have more than 10 reasons why Australians should rather flip out™ and jump their heart out instead of spending time in front of electronic gadgets, computers, and the likes: 

    1. Prevent Obese Children.

This argument has a large impact on the Australian family and their children. Recent scientific studies show that regular jumping on the trampolines are statistically a 15% better weight loss program than running, just more enjoyable.

    2. Better Alternative To Weight Training.

Increased body strength as opposed to the traditional weight lifting training, the use of the trampolines is a less intense workout thus lesser wear & tear for the human body which can only take so much beating.

    3. Trampolines Are Not Only For Summer.

Usually in most parts of Australia, outdoor activities and fun games or sports comes to a halt when certain seasons change to the next. This is not an issue with the trampoline, so expect an all year round fitness using the trampoline whether its indoors or outdoors, rain or shine, winter or summer!

    4. Decreased Risks Of Heart Disease.

Heart Disease is one of the major health topics in Australia. Jumping on the trampolines are likely to lessen the issue at hand. Benefits to the cardiovascular system include: increased blood flow, lower cholesterol, more red blood cells means lower blood pressure, and most of all the heart is strengthened.

    5. Improves The Human Body’s Durability.

Using trampolines even just for recreation helps to strengthen the bones mainly the tendons, ligaments and muscles around the joints. Without the same impact as in walking or running, the development of the tissues are likely to increase efficiency.

    6. Better Lymphatic System.

The action of jumping on the trampolines literally expell the toxins or poisons out of the lymphatic system. Thus the lymph glands work about ten times faster than the ordinary, whole range of fats, poisons and cancers cells are less likely to enter the human system.

    7. Get Younger.

We are one of the fastest ageing people in the world, us Australians. Simply put, imagine having antioxidants enter the body without even inducing it orally or edibly. Yes the trampoline is one way to feeling younger again. Regular trampoline exercise can bring the lung capacity to its normal strong state, muscles will really regain its strength. Trampoline are proven way to get younger.

    8. Cures Common Vein & Artery Ailments.

When jumping on the trampoline, the bounce altitude tends to affect the relaxation of the nerves. The weightlessness effect is somehow beneficial in relieving the common Australian ailments such as headaches, back pain and arthritis – that of which 15% of the Australians suffer every once in a while.

    9. Increased Mental Capacity.

The use of the trampoline produce more enzyme activity and blood flow to the human brain. This can yield faster reflex, heightened alertness, enhanced vision and guess what - improved balance! This means better hand-eye coordination.

    10. Good Posture & Form.

Regular jumping on the trampoline makes the load carried by certain parts of the body regularly be distributed to the rest of the body parts. Does the body develops good form of equilibrium proportions of muscle weight & body composition. Bad posture often result from lack of sleep so the body looks like tired & hanging.- Trampoline activities can help people with sleep disorders, such as 5% of Australian suffer from time to time.

    11. Cure For Diabetes.

Recent scientific studies have shown that exercise using a trampoline can completely cure type 2 diabetes. The longer you stick to the trampoline activity the higher the success rate is. Enjoyment is one good cure for any disease incurring to the stressed human body. Trampolining is enjoyable!

A few minutes of jumping on the trampoline is better than a 1 kilometer dash! I personally recommend the whole family jumping together. For greater family ties, promoting a better wellbeing, health, and satisfaction. Not only it is beneficial healthwise, it is also beneficial emotionally and mentally. What are you waiting for? You’ve got nothing to lose, but more to gain… For more information on different trampoline training programs, please feel free to contact Australia's FlipOut™ Trampoline Training Team.