Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Value of Soul, The Importance of One

Evangelism has taken its place on the cyberspace for quite some time. Regardless of race, tongue or tribe, Christianity is widely spread through the internet: from a single phrased post in facebook, an article in a blog (like this one), up to videos in youtube & a whole website dedicated for sharing the gospel. But does it all matter? To Him who knows just everything; to Him who is self-sufficient and does not need anything from us, Does God even care? This article will show some insights as to what and which things matter to Him, the creator of heaven and earth,the Almighty God.

What is the real value of soul? In a stockpile of multitude, does one matter?

There are few things to remember to get the attention of God: thru prayer, the meditation of His Word, thru worship, & most of all the winning of soul. In this section we will focus on the soul part...

In the bible, the Lord compared the human soul to random items like a silver coin, a lost lamb, or a prodigal son. To human understanding, it it randomness, but God wants to bring us to a deeper level of faith of knowing our creator.